
spring taro Learn more about spring taro

  • How to water peacock taro? how often do peacock taro water / spring, summer, summer, winter and ten

    How to water peacock taro? how often do peacock taro water / spring, summer, summer, winter and ten

    Peacock bamboo taro, a common foliage plant, especially its leaves, with the pattern of peacock opening screen, looks very beautiful! However, if you want the beauty of peacock taro, watering is extremely critical, so how to water peacock taro? How often is the peacock taro watered? In this regard, according to the growth habits of peacock bamboo taro

  • Cultivation method of multicolored taro

    Cultivation method of multicolored taro

    1. Colored taro is a tropical plant, warm sex, suitable temperature for growth between 25-30℃, winter temperature control at 15-20℃, otherwise it will make the leaves yellow, plants wither. 2. Light colorful taro natural love sunlight, lack of light will make colorful taro leaves on the spot color will be dark, leaves weak

  • How to raise colorful taro culture methods and matters needing attention

    How to raise colorful taro culture methods and matters needing attention

    Colorful taro is what we often call colored leaf taro, which is a kind of plant variety with leaves as the main ornamental point. It is a plant introduced and cultivated from abroad in our country, and it is often distributed in the places with high temperature in our country. When many people raise colorful taros, they will because of themselves.

    2020-11-08 Colorful taro how culture breeding methods and points for attention colorful
  • What about when velvet taro blossoms or not?

    What about when velvet taro blossoms or not?

    Velvet taro can well absorb harmful substances in the air, which can greatly improve the home environment. When does velvet taro blossom? What if it doesn't blossom: when will velvet taro bloom: the flowering period of velvet taro is from May to June every year. Head ovate, the size of a goose egg

  • When is the best time to plant taro? Do you make money by growing taro? Taro planting costs and benefits

    When is the best time to plant taro? Do you make money by growing taro? Taro planting costs and benefits

    Taro cultivation is basically no season, most of the planting here in spring and summer, as for the so-called ramet is only said to transplant, then basically as long as the choice of budding can be planted, and from planting to harvest can be at least 2-3 months. Base

    2019-02-19 Taro when planting the best make money cost and
  • The planting method of Taro "the King of Anti-Cancer"

    The planting method of Taro

    Taro, also known as green taro, taro, hairy taro, is a perennial tuber plant, there are red taro, white taro, nine-headed taro and other varieties, more planted in the Pearl River basin of our country. So, what are the planting methods of taro? Let's get to know it together. 1. The impression of land selection and preparation

    2020-11-09 "the king of anti-cancer " taro planting method taro also known as
  • Explain the market price and planting method of taro in detail!

    Explain the market price and planting method of taro in detail!

    Taro, also known as Qingyu and hairy taro, is a good alkaline tuber vegetable. It is very popular because of its good taste, easy digestion and high nutritional value. It is grown in many places. How much is the market price of taro? What are the planting methods? I. impressions

    2020-11-09 Detailed explanation taro market price and planting method also known as
  • Post-autumn maintenance methods of flower-leaf taro

    Post-autumn maintenance methods of flower-leaf taro

    Flower-leaf taro, also known as colored-leaf taro, two-color taro, belongs to the Araceae colorful taro belongs to perennial herbs. It is native to the Amazon region of South America with shield-shaped or heart-shaped leaves and likes high temperature, high humidity and semi-shaded environment. Next, let's introduce the flower and leaf taro.

    2020-11-09 Mosaic taro after autumn conservation method mosaic also known as
  • Planting and breeding methods of potted plant Taro

    Planting and breeding methods of potted plant Taro

    White-striped taro, also known as white-spotted taro, likes warm, humid and semi-shady environment, is not resistant to cold, and is afraid of strong light. Ramet and cuttage propagation are commonly used. Ramet propagation is carried out in combination with changing pots in spring, and the fleshy rhizomes are removed and planted. The cuttings with 3 leaves can be selected, the leaf sheath can be stripped, and the cuttings can be planted in coarse sand, and the cuttings can be rooted in about 1 month.

  • Planting method and time of Taro

    Planting method and time of Taro

    Planting time: taro is usually planted from January to March in the Beginning of Spring season. Planting method: the soil with moist and good drainage and irrigation conditions should be selected, ploughing the land and applying sufficient basic fertilizer, and the taro with no diseases and insect pests, no damage and smaller size should be sown according to row spacing 50cm and plant spacing 25cm.

    2020-11-08 Taro planting method and time summary
  • Taro planting method and time

    Taro planting method and time

    In recent years, taro has been loved by the public, and farmers began to plant it one after another. So, when will taro be planted? What are the time and methods of planting taro? Taro planting time the normal condition of taro is suitable for cultivation in spring, generally more from January to March.

    2020-11-09 Taro planting method and time in recent years taro affected by
  • Culture of round-leaf taro

    Culture of round-leaf taro

    Temperature round-leaf taro likes a warm and stable environment, so its resistance to heat is very low, but round-leaf taro is not only afraid of high temperature, its cold resistance is also very poor. Therefore, the most suitable temperature for the growth of round-leaf taro is between 18 and 30 ℃. In late spring and early summer, once the ambient temperature exceeds 25 ℃

  • The maintenance method of flower and leaf taro after autumn, pay attention to the 6 steps to grow better in the coming year.

    The maintenance method of flower and leaf taro after autumn, pay attention to the 6 steps to grow better in the coming year.

    Taro is a plant native to the Amazon River Basin in South America, which was introduced to China. Now it can be seen in many parts of our country. This kind of plant is not intolerant to low temperature, so it is necessary to pay attention to the conservation of taro after autumn, so what is the maintenance method of taro after autumn?

  • Method for cultivating taro leaves

    Method for cultivating taro leaves

    1. Soil: Colocasia esculenta likes clayey soil, which is prepared by mixing five parts of clayey soil, two parts of decayed leaf soil and three parts of sand. 2, light: flower taro likes sunshine, should not be too strong. If the light is insufficient, the leaf color spots become dark, and the leaves grow long and weak. 3. Watering: Colocasia esculenta likes wet water and needs a lot of watering in spring and summer.

  • Matters needing attention in peacock bamboo taro culture

    Matters needing attention in peacock bamboo taro culture

    The root of peacock bamboo taro is shallow, so it is appropriate to choose a large mouth and shallow basin, so that the growth of the root is not affected, and the leaves are not spread out during the day. The basin soil is loose, permeable, well drained and slightly acidic with rich nutrition. The pots of peacock taro are usually changed in spring, and the pots are changed every 1 to 2 years.

  • The water taro king opens up a new way to get rich.

    The water taro king opens up a new way to get rich.

    The water taro king opens up a new way to get rich.

  • How to raise Arrow feather Bamboo Taro

    How to raise Arrow feather Bamboo Taro

    1. Fertile soil if you want to make the arrow feather bamboo taro lush, the most important thing is a pot of fertile, loose and permeable soil. Only very breathable soil can make Taro grow faster. It is best to mix rotten leaf soil with peat soil and perlite at 5:3:2.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of Peacock Bamboo Taro

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Peacock Bamboo Taro

    Introduction of peacock bamboo taro: bamboo taro family, Xiao bamboo taro belongs to perennial evergreen herbs. The height of the plant can be up to 60 cm. Petiole purplish red, leaf blade thin leathery, ovate-oval, with dark green and white or yellowish feather markings on the leaf surface, just like the pattern on the peacock tail feathers, hence the name

  • When does taro, which means "many children and many blessings," generally mature?

    When does taro, which means

    Taro is rich in nutrition, contains a lot of starch, minerals and vitamins, is both vegetables, but also food, taro each plant produces 6-8 taro, meaning multi-son multi-blessing. Taro taste sweet, glutinous but not greasy, then taro generally when ripe? I. Taro

    2020-11-09 The meaning "many children many blessings " of taro generally when
  • The culture methods and matters needing attention of cat's eye taro, how often is better to water the cat's eye taro?

    The culture methods and matters needing attention of cat's eye taro, how often is better to water the cat's eye taro?

    Cat's eye bamboo taro is a perennial herb of the family Amorphophallus. Because its leaves stand upright at night, spread and limp during the day, it is similar to cat's eye, so it is named cat's eye bamboo taro. Cat's eye bamboo taro is also an expert in purifying indoor air, which is deeply loved by people. Many flower lovers do not know the culture methods and matters needing attention of cat's eye taro.
